Orchid Flowers

Posts Tagged ‘growing orchids

Orchids have been included in list of home plants for their gorgeous fragrance and variety in shapes, color and sizes. Like other plants, orchid plants also need proper growing conditions. Giving right amount of water at right time to your orchids is one of the basic needs of orchid flowers to grow and thrive. Remember that different species of orchids have different water needs, so you are required to research your particular plant as well as you should also be aware of general watering needs of an orchid.

Orchid plants are typically found in tropical areas. The areas where many orchids are grown receive tremendous rain. These areas can also be very humid in native habits. Ideal humidity level for orchid flowers is 80% but this humidity level could be quite uncomfortable for human to live in so you need to think other strategies to provide your orchids with healthier environment. A very convenient way to humidify your orchids is to water them frequently. You may purchase a deep saucer or and some pebbles. Pour these pebbles into the saucer then water the pebbles. Make sure that the water never touches the actual orchid pot. This way you will be able to create artificial humid climate for your orchid plant.

Very common mistake that people do is over watering their orchids. Many people wait for the soil of their orchid pot to look dry and when it becomes, they feel that their orchid plants need to be watered now. This is not true especially for orchids. The rule to water your orchid plants is to water once a week. Let the potting bark of your orchid plant dry out completely before you water again.

Orchid plants also need to be fertilized but sparingly as well. Buy best fertilizer for your orchid plants from nearby garden shops. Make sure to maintain for watering and fertilizing your orchids is a guarantee in itself that your orchid plants will grow best and you will have exotic plants for a long time.

Orchids will thrive in your home environment if you succeed to provide them with proper care, for instance right amount of water at right time, proper sunlight and best fertilizer occasionally. Orchid flowers are quite beautiful and can also be temperamental. Once you get to know exact needs of your orchids, it is not so complicated to maintain your orchid flowers healthy conditions.

Orchid plants are very fastidious, bearing the most attractive flowers having a wide range of colors. They can easily be grown both indoors and outdoors with minimum amount of care. Some of the Orchid species require to be kept in greenhouses, whereas some varieties of Orchids can grow among other house plants.

Growing Orchids indoor and outdoor could be a great fun. You just need to know some important general guidelines.

Natural light is very vital for the Orchid plants. Normally, an east or west facing window is more suitable for the growth of these plants. Direct sunlight can be harmful for them; therefore, you need to make sure that they are placed in the shaded area, having indirect sunlight. They need to have 10 to 15 hours of light everyday. Artificial lights can also be used in winter season.

Proper temperature is also necessary throughout the year for the good growth of Orchids because Orchid plants do not bear hot and unventilated conditions. They need to have daytime temperatures about 70 F in summer season and 60 F in winter season. In cold and frosty nights, keep your Orchid plants away from windows.

Watering is also very significant for the proper growth of these plants. Overwatering is fatal for them; therefore, let surplus water to seep away. You should water them when you feel that the growing medium is about to dry. Usually, watering the Orchid plants once a week would be enough.

Orchid plants flourish well in a humid atmosphere. Placing the plant on a tray of small wet pebbles would be quite helpful in increasing the humidity level. Be sure to place the Orchid pot on the top of the pebble layer, not in the water. The water around the pebbles will fade away and moisturize the air around the plant.

When growing Orchids, regular fertilization will lead the plant to grow soon and bloom well. But it should be kept in mind that over fertilization will harm or destroy the plant completely. Giving fertilizer twice a month is highly recommended. Avoid feeding the plant during winter season.

It is also important to know that you should reduce watering and fertilizing the Orchid plants once they stop blooming. Start giving water and fertilizer regularly when new leaves begin to appear.

The yellowish or brownish spots on the leaves are the indication that plant has red spider insects on it. In this situation the leaves wither away prematurely.

Re-pot the plant in new medium when you see small yellowish leaves with few or no flowers because this condition shows that the plant needs fertilizer or the medium is too damp. After repotting, water it carefully.

If your Orchid plant is unable to grow flower buds properly, it means that temperature is too cold or too hot for the plant. In this condition, you need to keep it in proper place.

Orchid plants can grow well in the places like cellars, terraces, or living rooms only if they are provided with appropriate light, temperature and moisture.

Are you looking for a list of flowers that can be grown in greenhouse? If yes then you don’t need to worry as I am going to provide you name of some flowers which can be easily grown in greenhouses. Just look at this list and choose any of these flowers to grow in greenhouse.

African Violet

 African violets have different types and come in a variety of colors including pink, lavender, red, blue and purple. African violets do not grow by seed propagation so they are reproduced through leaf cuttings. They can thrive in a soil low in nutrition but require a lot of humidity. In greenhouse, you can easily provide them with required amount of humidity as conditions in greenhouse are controlled. But you must keep in mind one thing. To provide these flowers with humidity, do not make leaves wet as it may cause leaf spotting.

Chinese Hibiscus

This is a tropical flowering plant which is very sensitive to cold conditions. These plants produce flowers in elegant colors like pink, red, yellow and white. Its leaves are green and glossy and have tangled edges.  Chinese hibiscus requires well-drained and rich soil as well as a lot of water to grow well.


Roses need a lot of protection and care in winter so gardeners living in cold regions can grow roses in greenhouse. Roses in greenhouse can either be grown in pots or ground but in both cases they require quick draining soil. Although roses require full and bright sunlight for at least 8 hours a day, they can be grown in greenhouse under artificial lights. For growing roses in greenhouse, you will require maintaining temperature between 70 and 80 F. Roses should be watered once a week and fertilized monthly with rose fertilizers or fish emulsion.


Lilies require protection from cold and wet conditions so they can be grown in greenhouse by providing them with warmth to keep them blooming for longer period of time. Lilies can be grown in quick draining soil in either ground or pots. Make sure that soil also contain compost and is completely packed around lily bulbs to reduce air pockets. Lilies required to be watered with 1 to 2 inches of water a week. To supplement natural daylight, use lights in greenhouse to provide lilies with 6 to 8 hours of light.

Chenille Plant

Chenille plant grows up to 5 to 6 feet tall and produces 6 to 8 inches long leaves. Flowers of this plant create almost 18 inches long drooping clusters in bright red color but flowers appear only on female plants. Chenille plants can tolerate any type of soil provided that soil provides the plant with good drainage.


Orchids are both cold and warm sensitive. They mostly like to be grown indoors so are best to grow in greenhouses because in greenhouses, their specific lighting and temperature conditions can be fulfilled easily. Orchids should be grown in those greenhouses which have opaque windows so that they can filter light to protect orchids from burning. Temperature requirements are between 70 and 80 degrees F during day and between 50 and 60 degrees F at night. To maintain this temperature, you can use fans and heaters. Orchids should be watered only when they become dry but you can mist greenhouse after every three days to maintain humidity level.

You must have heard about growing plants and flowers under fluorescent light. Orchids are also among those flowers. Today we will discuss all about growing orchids under fluorescent light. If you are interested then read this post as it is going to be quite useful for you:

  • You will have to grow orchids in loose and non-soil base so that quick air circulation and drainage can be provided to orchid plants. Tight and thick soil conditions will result in bad growth of orchids so go for non-soil potting mix. Don’t you know about these? Ok, non-soil potting mixes include peat moss, wood chips, sphagnum peat moss and orchid potting mix. You can use any of these mixes for growing your orchids.
  • While planting orchids, make sure that pots have drainage holes and they are heavy enough to support an orchid plant. If you will grow an orchid in light pot, it will not support your plant well and will damage it. As far as drainage holes are concerned, they are a necessity for growing orchids because standing water in pot will make orchid to die.
  • Potted orchid plants can be placed indoors under artificial light. Actually artificial light is used when you don’t have a sunny location indoors. Now you will definitely want to know what types of artificial lights can be used to grow orchids. Well, sodium, halogen and fluorescent lights are best for this purpose as they satisfy light needs of orchids in a good way. While growing orchids under fluorescent lights make sure that you have placed orchids 4 to 6 feet under light and keep them turned on for at least 6 to 8 hours a day. But turn lights off at night to imitate their natural growing conditions.
  • Give one inch of water to your indoor orchids every seven to ten days but water them only when their growing base begins to become dry. As I mentioned earlier, orchids do not like standing water and prefer dry conditions, so you must keep this fact in mind.
  • Orchids will not grow well without fertilizers. Orchids need specific fertilizers made for them. Choose an orchid-specific water soluble fertilizer and apply it to plants once a month. If you don’t know how to apply fertilizers, read instructions given on fertilizer package. Don’t make a stronger fertilizer mixture as it will burn your orchids.

These were some simple tips which you can follow to grow orchids under fluorescent lights. Hopefully, you will find them helpful.

Mokara orchid is a hybrid of Ascocentrum, Arachnis and Vanda orchids and was first grown in 1969 in Singapore. Mokara orchid is among those orchid types which are very easy to grow and once these orchids are grown with care, they produce beautiful and exotic-looking blooms. If you are also interested in growing Mokara orchids in your home then this post is going to be proved very helpful for you because this post contains the basic tips for growing Mokara orchids.

Choosing Mokara Orchids: Before purchasing a Mokara orchid for growing, make sure that you have carefully noticed its leaves and roots. Roots of Mokara orchid should be healthy and plump without having withered tips. As far as leaves are concerned, they should be green and strong. These two features indicate that a Mokara orchid is healthy enough to be grown in your home.

Location: Mokara orchids are mostly grown indoors so place the pot containing Mokara orchids in an east-facing window so that it can receive full sunlight in morning. Orchids have a heavy top so you can place a few river rocks around the base of pot to prevent your orchid from leaning over.

Watering: Mokara orchids should be watered in morning. While watering, you are required to ensure that you are running room temperature water through the potting mix for quite a few minutes. Yes, Mokara orchids should be watered in this manner. During hot weather, water Mokara orchids several times a week. Another thing you need to keep in mind is that your Mokara orchid should never stand in water as it is harmful for their growth.

Fertilizing: After watering thoroughly, fertilize orchids with 50% dilution of 30-10-10 orchid fertilizer. Fertilize after every four days in their growing season that starts in spring and ends in fall but during winter, Mokara orchids need to be fertilized only once a month.

Air Circulation: After setting a fan at Low, place it in the room containing Mokara orchids as good air circulation and humidity helps Mokara orchids in tolerating high temperatures.

That was all about growing Mokara orchids. These tips are proven and quite reliable to grow Mokara orchids so follow these with full faith and have beautiful Mokara orchids in your home.

When people grow beautiful orchid flowers in their garden, they want it to bloom again and again but it is not possible without proper care and handling. Since I am an orchid lover, I have done some research to make orchids bloom time and again. During my research I found some wonderful tips which I will share with you:

  • Orchids bloom if they feel a 10 degree decrease in temperature at night. If you are growing orchids in such a place where seasonal weather can take care of temperature change then it is well and good otherwise you will have to adjust your thermostat.
  • In order to know about requirement of light, you will require examining color of orchid leaves. If leaves are dark green, it indicates more light requirements while on the other hand, yellowish, green or red leaves show that orchids are receiving too much of light. When I started growing orchids I made a mistake in determining light requirements so I would recommend you to properly take care of this matter because light requirements affect blooming of flowers.
  • Lighting should be adjusted gradually because light requirements vary with the types of orchids. Light should be increased in stages until a lush green shade appears in leaves. Increment in light is recommended to be gradual as extreme increase in sunlight can make orchids burn.
  • Remember that if orchids are grown in crowd, they are less likely to bloom. For this you can see whether roots are pressed against the side of pot or not. If it happens then you are required to repot orchid plant.
  • Watering carefully is another factor that needs special care because too much or too little watering can both spoil your plant. Orchids only bloom when watering conditions are absolutely right. Orchids should be watered only when surface of soil becomes dry. While watering orchids, also make sure that extra water is drained out of pot. For this pot should have drainage holes.
  • If you still feel that your efforts are not drawing desired results, you can visit a greenhouse. The staff there will give you important tips regarding blooming of that particular type of orchid which you have grown.

I hope that these tips are good enough for you to make your orchid bloom so follow these and have healthy orchid blooms.

I am an orchid lover and I have grown different types of orchids in my home garden among which there is a beautiful type of orchid named spider orchid. Doesn’t it sound strange? Actually spider orchid is another name of Brassia. This orchid have an appearance that resembles to a corn stalk as it has green leaves and a stem that comes out of stalks with yellow flowers. People love to grow this flower in their gardens but do not know the exact tips to take its care in good manners. Are you facing the same problem? Then read tips given below as they are related to taking care of spider orchids.


Spider orchids should be placed in a location where temperature remains between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit during day time and night temperature should be between 60 and 65 degrees.

Light Requirements

When I grew these orchids for the first time, I was completely unaware of its light requirements therefore I lost my orchids. Then I consulted a nursery and came to know that spider orchids like subdued lighting.  In order to know whether orchids are getting enough light or not, there is a simple tip. If spider orchid leaves become reddish green, it means they are getting too much light. On the other hand, if leaves become dark green, it will indicate that plant is not getting the right amount of light. Leaves of spider orchids should have bright green color which shows that lighting conditions are adequate.


While watering plants, make sure that soil is moderately dry. Don’t wait for watering until soil becomes fully dry and hard. Spider orchids don’t need much water when new shoots are not sprouting but when a new flower blooms, it requires more amount of water. When watering, place gravel under the container where there are drainage holes. It will prevent plant from sitting in water on the tray. Another thing which needs to be mentioned here is that always water plants at their base. Water should not get inside the new bloom.


Spider orchids need to be fertilized only once a month as over-fertilizing may harm plants. I have gone through all these experiences so I want you not to make any mistake. As far as getting fertilizers is concerned, you can consult a nursery for that purpose.


In lower temperatures, humidity level of the location should be between 40% and 50% whereas in higher temperatures, there should be 55% to 75% humidity.


After every two years, repot plant in a new medium fir bark. The best time to repot spider orchids is when a new shoot is about 3 inches in length or when you see new roots.

You can follow any of the tips mentioned above with confidence because I have experienced all these and got same results as I expected.

Growing all types of orchids is quite easier for home gardeners. White orchids are one of the types of orchids which can be grown easily if proper care is taken. If they are grown properly, they will play an important role in beautifying your garden or indoors giving an elegant and lavish look. Here some important tips and instructions are given on growing white orchids.

Purchasing White Orchids

You should look for a good and reputable nursery for buying white orchids. While purchasing the plant, make sure that leaves are shiny and free from blemishes. Moreover the plant should have one or two stems having 12 or 14 buds on it. Also ensure that the pot is wide enough having a width of approximately six inches. The pot should also be filled with moss-like stuff.

Placing in Proper Light

Now you are required to place the pot in a window where the plant can receive indirect sunlight for five to six hours. If the leaves are light green then it means that the plant is getting the right amount of light. The dark green leaves show that the light is insufficient for healthy growth of orchids. You can also provide your plant with a supplemental light along with the fluorescent tubes in the evening to provide them enough light.

Watering the Plants

You should thoroughly water the plant keeping in mind that water runs through the pot. Before watering the plant again, make sure that soil has been dried. When white orchids are in full bloom or the weather gets warmer, these plants are required to be watered frequently. White orchids also require that there should be air holes around its roots so you should place the pot in a tray filled with water and having stones in it. It will help to create a moist environment for white orchid plants.


White orchids need to be fertilized at least once a week. All you need to do is to buy the orchid food and after reading the instructions given on the container, add to the plants. Remember that the fertilizers are always given to the plants after mixing them with water. They are not directly mixed in soil.


After the flowers have stopped blooming, the plants are required to be trimmed. You should trim the plant before the last growing node if plant is healthy enough but if it looks unhealthy, then you should cut the flower stalk completely so that the plant revitalizes before blooming again.

These were some important instructions related to the healthy growth and maintenance of white orchids. Follow these and have beautiful white orchid flowers in your home.


Orchids are one of the darling flowers of amateur gardeners and growers. They add to the beauty and grace of gardens as well as rooms if they are grown indoors. They are bright and attractive flowers and very easy to grow. But at the same time, they need special care especially when they are blooming. Most of the orchid growers are unaware of caring for them while they are blooming. Keeping this in mind, I am giving you some tips and instructions about taking care of blooming orchid plants.

Important Tips

  • You should feed the blooming orchid plants properly. You can feed your orchids once in a week with orchid food. But remember that the particular food should not contain urea. You should also consider about the method of feeding orchid plants. It’s very simple. All you have to do is to make the orchid food thinned and diluted first so that its strength and concentration may reduce.  Then you can give this food to your plants while watering them.
  • Orchids don’t like direct sunlight. Moreover the blooms of orchids become withered and are burnt in direct sunlight. So it is necessary to place them at a location that doesn’t receive direct sunlight.
  • While flowering, the orchids should not be moved. They should be placed in a moderately warm location approximately above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If orchid plants are given stress and exposed to chilly air, their blooms will start falling earlier than normal blooming time.
  • Watering is another important factor to be remembered while taking care of blooming orchids. The best time to water blooming orchids is morning time. But remember that they should be watered only when the soil becomes dry. The frequency of watering should be once in a week but it all depends on the climate you are growing orchids in. Over-watering can spoil the plants. The best method is to touch your finger with soil. If it is dry then it means that plants require water.
  • Always use moderately warm tap water while watering the orchid plants. Remember not to drench the soil with water. The amount of the water should be enough to just moist the soil.
  • When orchid flowers begin to wither, remove them. The usual blooming time of orchid flowers is about one to four months.
  • After blooming, trim the plants. There are some types of orchids that bloom again after pruning while some bloom only once.

These were some important instructions related to care of blooming orchid plants. I hope that they will guide and help you a lot.


Orchid flowers have different uses. They are used for making wedding bouquets, floral arrangements and most interestingly for making corsages. You can choose orchids to make a corsage for your wrist. Just select some beautiful orchids from your garden and choose those colors that will go with your dress and make a stylish corsage for your wrist. If you don’t want to be specific then choose white orchids for making corsage. But the question arises that what is the method of making wrist corsages using orchid flowers. To answer this question, here are some important instructions:

Selecting and Cutting Flowers

First step is to choose fresh and elegant looking flowers from the garden. Now separate your favorite flowers keeping in mind that their buds remain in tact. While cutting the flowers, make sure that you leave the stems adequately long to be tied jointly so leave about one inch of stems. You will require 3 flowers for making a corsage.

Attaching Wire to Flowers

Next step is to attach floral wire to flowers. After doing this, you will need to wrap the flowers with floral tape so that they hold in place.

Arranging the Flowers

In this step, the orchids are gathered in one hand making sure that a simple bouquet is formed.  Now flowers are arranged in such a way that largest bloom remains in the center and smaller blooms remain on either sides.

Forming One Stem

Now firmly grasp the flowers and use floral tape to tie the three stems together. Now one single stem would be formed.

Removing the Buds

In this step, buds are removed from stalks. Cutting of buds should be done in such a way that a longer stem is left as compared to the stems you had left on blooms. Its length would depend on the bloom size. The length of bud stem should be 4 to 6 inches.

Attaching the Buds

Now corsage is turned upside down and bud is attached to the back. Again floral tape will be used for attaching the buds. Stem of the buds are attached to other stems in the same way as it was done with blooms.

Cutting Ribbon

Using a length of ribbon; measure your wrist. You should add almost 3 inches to make sure that the ribbon’s length is sufficient to tie the corsage and wrist as well. Now cut the ribbon according to the measured length.

Fastening the Ribbon

In this step, the corsage is turned in such a way that its back is in front of you. Then ribbon is tied in a single knot to the taped stems which are at the back of arrangement.

Preserving Corsage

Before wearing corsage, it must be preserved in fridge for 24 hours.

After this your orchid corsage is ready to wear. Now wear it on weddings, parties or prom nights and enhance the elegance of your stylish looks and beautiful dress.